Kampus D3-Cilibende, Jl. Kumbang,Cilibende

Kampus Diploma IPB-Cilibende.

Kampus S2-S1 Ekstensi BaranangSiang, Jl. Padjajaran

Kampus IPB BaranangSiang.

Kampus Dramaga IPB-S1 Reguler

Kampus Dramaga IPB.

Kampus S3 Gunung Gede

Kampus Gunung Gede S3 MB-IPB, Jl. Padjajaran.

Rektor IPB

Prof. Dr. Ir. Herry Suhardiyanto, Msc.

Sabtu, 05 November 2011

alasan kenapa tidak boleh mengulang mata kuliah


oleh Katalis Corp New Directions pada 02 Oktober 2011 jam 2:24
  1. Belajar materi kuliah yg sama dg adik angkatan yg lebih muda akan menimbulkan rasa minder yg tinggi & antusiasme belajar lebih rendah.
2.  Orang tua akan menilai kamu kurang serius menjalani kuliah di IPB padahal mereka berharap banyak dari kamu.

3.  Pemborosan uang! mengulang mata kuliah artinya menambah beban sks di tahun berikutnya yang artinya menambah biaya kuliah (blm kalau tugas etc berbiaya juga). Apalagi kalau kamu memutuskan mengulang di semester pendek biasanya biaya SKS-nya sampai 3kali lipat lebih mahal daripada semester reguler.

4.  Pemborosan waktu, seharusnya kamu bisa meluangkan waktu kamu untuk kegiatan non-akademik, tapi terkuras karena kuliah semakin padat dan beban tugas/UTS/UAS pun bertambah.

5.  Dengan mengulang 1 mata kuliah saja, artinya gelar cumlaude lepas dari tangan kamu meski nilai yang lain bagus.

6.  Meski IPK bukan segalanya untuk sukses, tapi bayangkan : saat ini semakin banyak yang akademik bagus tapi softskill bagus. kalau keduanya bisa kenapa harus mengorbankan akademik. Point ini penting untuk yg suka berbisnis atau organisas

Kamis, 03 November 2011

Festival Nasyid Nusantara IPB

Persyaratan Lomba FNN (Festival Nasyid Nusantara)-IPB
  1. 1 tim terdiri dari 3 – 6 orang (laki-laki, muslim), Usia 16 – 25 tahun;
  2. Tim nasyid yang mengikuti festival belum pernah membuat/ mengeluarkan album;
  3. Mengirimkan rekaman 1 lagu nasyid bebas (boleh hasil kreasi sendiri) dalam bentuk video (audio visual) berdurasi maks. 6 menit, tanpa menggunakan rekayasa studio rekaman. Karya diterima paling lambat tanggal 17 November 2011 (cap pos kilat) ) ke alamat Panitia IPB Islamic Festival (IIF) 2011 (Jalan Tanjung No.2 Asrama Masjid Al-Hurriyyah IPB Dramaga, Bogor 16680, Telp: (0251) 8621748);
  4. Atau Upload di Youtube dengan menyertakan keterangan  : nama Grup, Alamat  Grup, Cp Grup_link Youtube_akunFB, dan lama berdiri. Link di sms-kan ke PJ FNN : Yulinda (085297340975);
  5. Karya yang berupa video rekaman merupakan hasil live recording dan bukan hasil rekayasa rekaman;
  6. Penampilan nasyid merupakan acapella (tidak menggunakan minus one, music, ataupun alat instrument lainnya);
  7. Setelah mengirimkan karya dsb, wajib melakukan konfirmasi ke panitia FNN: Yulinda (085297340975);
  8. Seleksi terdiri dari dua tahap, yaitu penyisihan dan final;
  9. Hasil seleksi tahap awal akan diumumkan melalui blog IIF 2011 http://iif.event.ipb.ac.id dan dihubungi langsung ke ketua tim via sms pada tanggal 21 November 2011;
  10. Dari babak penyisihan akan diambil 20 tim yang berhak tampil secara live di final yaitu di acara “Festival Nasyid Nusantara (FNN)” pada tanggal 26 November 2011 di Kampus IPB Dramaga, Bogor;
  11. Seluruh biaya akomodasi ke tempat pelaksanaan final ditanggung oleh peserta final;
  12. Peserta final wajib hadir di Technical Meeting yang tanggal dan  tempatnya  akan diberitahu kemudian;
  13. Setiap peserta final dikenakan biaya sebesar Rp 70.000,00 per tim;
  14. Juara 1,2,3 berhak tampil di acara puncak IPB Islamic Festival (IIF) yaitu di “Spirit of Live Music Concert (SOL-MC)”;
  15. Keputusan dewan juri (Asosiasi Nasyid Nusantara dan Bogor Nasheed Centre) bersifat mutlak dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat;
  16. Tidak sedang terikat kontrak dengan label manapun, dengan membuat surat pernyataan bahwa ketika mengikuti festival ini dan jika nanti menjadi pemenang, peserta tidak sedang dalam ikatan kontrak dengan label rekaman manapun.

Hari, Tanggal: Sabtu, 26 November 2011

WaktuKegiatanDeskripsi kegiatan
07.00-07.30Registrasi pesertaAkomodasi peserta dari penginapan ke AHN
Backsound nasyid diputar di AHN
07.30 – 07.40Pembukaan oleh MCMC : Bogor Nasyid Center (BNC)
07.40 – 07.50TilawahTilawah
07.50 – 08.00SambutanSambutan dari ketua panitia sekaligus membuka FNN
08.00 – 08.10Prkenalan dari dewan juri
+ pengarahan teknis lomba
Dewan juri : BNC, Agriaswara, Asosiasi Nasyid Nasional
08.10 – 11.55Festival nasyidPenampilan 10 tim nasyid dan komentar juri
11.55- 12.40ISHOMASholat dan Makan
12.40 – 13.10Penampilan bintang tamuJustice voice
13.10 – 15.00Festival nasyidPenampilan 5 tim nasyid + komentar juri
15.00 – 15.30Sholat ashar 
15.30 – 17.20Festival nasyidPenampilan 5 tim nasyid + komentar juri
17.20 – 17.35Penampilan bintang tamuPenampilan perkusi dari Smart excelensia
17.35 – 17.45Pengumuman pemenangPengumuman pemenang oleh juri
Pemberian hadiah pada SOL MC
17.45 – 17.55PenutupanPengumuman

Rabu, 02 November 2011

Nikmati Jazz di Bulan Bahasa


  1. Teater
  2. Seni Tradisional
  3. Musikalisasi Puisi
  4. Konser Jazz
Dihadiri oleh para pakar Bahasa Indonesia, salah satunya ialah Ivan Lanin-Pendiri Wikipedia, Editor Google Bahasa Indonesia.
Dimeriahkan oleh : rumah kata Bogor, calung grobog, bale seni budaya puncak.

Di Jl. Pandu Raya Indrapasta 2 Bogor Utara.
Pada tanggal 4 November 2011.
Pukul 13.00-22.00 WIB

Kontak Panitia:
  1. Limanov (0251-3680855)
  2. Ifan Musyarief (081383469998)
  3. Erfano (0852172662404)

IT Competition by UNY

Photo Competition by POS INDONESIA

POS INDONESIA PHOTO CONTEST 2011 - Competition Photo Pos Indonesia Activities & Services in the country
PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) in collaboration with APC Institute invites the friends to collaborate on the program:
POS INDONESIA PHOTO CONTEST 2011Photo Contest Activities & Services Pos Indonesia in the country
THEMESTransformation Pos Indonesia
OBJECT PHOTOSObject images are all the activities and services throughout Pos Indonesia country. Entries are expected to reflect the spirit of change, optimism & good wishes for the continuation of Pos Indonesia in the future.
PHOTO CONTEST PRIZESWinner to-1Trophy & Cash Rp 15.000.000, -
Winner of the 2ndTrophy & Cash Rp 10.000.000, -
Winner of the 3rdTrophy & Cash Rp 7,000,000 -
Hope championTrophy & Cash Rp 2.500.000, - (2 winners)
Champion FavoritesTrophy & Cash Rp 500.000, - (20 winners)
* Tax borne by the prize winner
BOARD OF JUDGESDudi Sugandi (Photo Journalist Newspapers Mind)Galih Sedayu (APC Photographers & Management Institute)Jay Subiyakto (Artistic Director & stylist)Oscar Motuloh (Reuters Journalism Photo Gallery Curator)
LIMIT END PHOTO COLLECTIONThursday, December 1, 2011 (postmark)
SUPPORT PROGRAMCHIP Photo & VideoPeople's minds
CONDITION RACE PHOTOSPhoto contest is open to the general public throughout Indonesia.
Participants are not charged race (free).
The work that is sent in the form of hardcopy photos / 8R size prints (20 x 25 cm) or 8RP (20 x 30 cm) along with the softcopy files JPG format (minimum resolution of 2000 pixels longest) are saved into a CD.
Behind the work of the data written in the form of mandatory photo photo titles, captions, full name, address, phone / email & phone of each participant.
Photos submitted works can be color or black and white photographs and the number of photos submitted by each applicant is free.
Digital Sports is allowed as long as no increase or decrease the image in a photograph.
Delivery of entries to the committee shall use the Special Quick Service Pos Indonesia.
Works Photo & File Photo CD is inserted into a sealed envelope and on the back of the envelope was written the name, address, telephone and addressed to:
POS INDONESIA COMMITTEE PHOTO CONTEST 2011APC InstituteSurapati Core Block M32PHH.Mustofa Road 39Bandung 40 192
The photo entry will not be returned by the committee / Pos Indonesia but the copyrights of photographs remain the property of the photographer.
The committee reserves the right to use winning entries for promotional purposes & publications for 2 years.
For participants who became the winner of the photo contest shall send the photo file in the form of hi-res, a copy of an affidavit of identity and ownership of the photos before giving out the work done.
Judging the photo contest held in Bandung on Friday the 9th of December 2011.
Announcement of the winner's photograph can be seen in www.apc-institute.com on Sunday, December 11, 2011.
Jury's decision is absolute, legitimate & inviolable

Essay Competition by UNAIR

One of schedule of  “GebyarAcSES Satu Dasawarsa” event. This is Essay Competition National where Essay with the theme of “Inovasi produk syariah dalam Upaya Pengembangan sektor riil”.

This Competition is show up the student's talent of writing event and ideas in part of economy, regulation, culture, etc. for made a product/idea/solutif concept that don't conflict with syariah ruler to increase of rill sector develop. The student have to write their ideas in the paper be essay. 

All student of university from Indonesia can be participant in this competition. Implementation of competition are 3 parts. That are solicitation, announcement, and final. The deadline time of accumulation of essay is November 21th 2011. 

If you wanna know more look at that http://www.rnborganizer.com/index.php?view=article&catid=38:info-lomba&id=311:essay-fiesta-national-2011-&option=com_content&Itemid=86

Accounting & Business Competition by BINUS

D’abc is a prestigious accounting competition held annually by Bina Nusantara International University; an iconic event organized by the Accounting Student Club (ASC) and supported by the Student Committee. In its 7th year of existence, D’abc comes with a new fresh concept: “Challenge Your Excellence”. Embodied in this concept is the intention to encourage students to challenge themselves, to give out the best in each of their capabilities and competence, to move one step further beyond their excellence; by being a part of an internationally-based accounting competition.
D’abc 2012: Challenge Your Excellence aims to broaden students’ accounting comprehension, sharpen their analytical skill in problem solving, as well as foster good interrelationship among various high school and university students—not only to enrich their academic experiences, but also to build their competitive and champion mentality. 

1. Each high school / university can send more than one (1) team to compete, with a maximum of three (3) teams.
2. Each high school / university is allowed to send a teacher to accompany and support the team(s).
3. Each team consists of three (3) students from the same school / three (3) students from the same university majoring in Accounting.
4. Only teams who have registered during the registration period and/or on the technical meeting day are eligible to join the competition.
5. Each team members should bring their ID tags during the competition days, which will be distributed at the first day of the competition.
6. Each participant should wear a collar-shirt or proper and neat clothes, long pants for men, and knee-length skirt (no mini-skirt) for women, or school uniform ( for high school).
7. Each participant should wear an almamater jacket with near outwear (for university students).
8. Maximum tolerate time for lateness is 15 minutes.
9. Should there be a team who is late more than 15 minutes, they still can attend the competition with permission from the head of the competition AND liaison officer. Thus, there will be no additional time.
10. Should there be a team member who cannot attend the competition, he/she can be replaced, with early notification to the committee and approval from the head of the competition. In addition, the substitute participant should continue the rest of the competition and cannot be replaced.
11. Should there be a team member who is late to enter the competition room (more than 15 minutes after the competition begin), the rest of the team members are still allowed to compete, and hence he/she is not allowed to participate in the competition. And the team member who did late to attend the competition is still allowed to join the competition in the next level if the other two members go to the next level.
12. Each team has to come 30 to 60 minutes before the competition to fulfill registration requirements.
13. The team that is late for registration will be disqualified, unless giving confirmation to the competition division or liaison officer.
14. Participants have to bring their own stationery. The committee only provides scratch paper for the calculations. They cannot borrow anything from other teams.
15. Participants are not allowed to bring a scientific or programmable calculator during the competition.
16. Participants are not allowed to bring any note, book and/or other resource into the competition room. All belongings that are prohibited have to be kept inside their bags.
17. All bags should be left in front of the competition room; they will be guarded by the committee members.
18. Participants are allowed to bring communication and electronic devices (e.g. cell phone, PDA, pager, etc.) but they have to deactivate it during in the competition room. Or they should be kept in their bag or placed on the table.
19. Participants are not allowed to cheat or perform any misappropriate conduct throughout the competition.
20. Participants are not allowed to talk to other teams during the competition.
21. If the committee find any form of cheating and other misappropriate conduct by any team member before, during and after the competition, thus the team will be disqualified.
22. Participants are not allowed to disrupt the competition process.
23. Participants and proctor are not allowed to leave the room during the competition.
24. Participants may bring their own medication with the brand or any information from doctors attached to the medicine package.
25. Participants are prohibited to litter, to damage or to vandalize the building with all of its facilities. If the committee finds any such activities, the team will be disqualified.
26. Participants are prohibited to smoke anywhere inside the JWC area except in the smoking room, which is located in the back lobby.
27. Should there be any participant who does not follow the rules and regulation, the committee has the right to disqualify the team before or during the competition.
28. All decisions that have been made by the judges are absolute and cannot be overruled or changed.
29. All rules and regulation that have not been presented above will be discussed during the technical meeting.
30. Representative from team(s) or school must attend the technical meeting.
31. The committee guarantees that all of the materials will be kept confidential and give a 100% assurance for the competency of the solutions.

  1. Standard Single ---> IDR 310.000-IDR 270.000 (After Discount)
  2. Standard Twin --> IDR 390.000-350.000 (After Discount)
  3. Superior Twin --->  IDR 425.000
  4. Deluxe -->  IDR 525.000

Friday - Saturday, Febuary,17-18th 2012

The Joseph Wibowo Center for Advanced Learning
Jl. Hang Lekir I No. 6
KebayoranBaru, JakartaSelatan 12120


University :
1st Place : USD 1000
2nd Place : USD 750
3rd Place : USD 500


Contact Person:
DABC 2012 
e-Mail : dabc2012@gmail.com 
Website : www.binus-dabc.com

Marketing Plan Competition

Proudly Present

This event will be held on
November, 20th & December 4th 2010

Company Visit, Seminar, and Technical Meeting
20th November 2010
Venue : Auditorium, Prasetiya Mulya Business School

Marketing Plan Competition
4th December 2010
Venue : Auditorium, Prasetiya Mulya Business School

One of the key successes for a company is in their marketing strategy. Many companies now could be a multinational company because they have a good marketer. This proves how important marketing technique for the advancement of the company. Therefore, Prasetiya Mulya Business School as one of the best business schools wants to take part in encouraging young people to begin to learn early on that a good marketing technique. Therefore, our Personal Development Division of Student Board will hold an event in the form of competition called the "Marketing Plan Competition". The event was packed in the form of competition and also there will be a seminar and company visit. MPC is the first external competition events to be held by Student Board S1 Business School and it involve a multinational company as the case contributor


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