Rabu, 02 November 2011

Essay Competition by UNAIR

One of schedule of  “GebyarAcSES Satu Dasawarsa” event. This is Essay Competition National where Essay with the theme of “Inovasi produk syariah dalam Upaya Pengembangan sektor riil”.

This Competition is show up the student's talent of writing event and ideas in part of economy, regulation, culture, etc. for made a product/idea/solutif concept that don't conflict with syariah ruler to increase of rill sector develop. The student have to write their ideas in the paper be essay. 

All student of university from Indonesia can be participant in this competition. Implementation of competition are 3 parts. That are solicitation, announcement, and final. The deadline time of accumulation of essay is November 21th 2011. 

If you wanna know more look at that http://www.rnborganizer.com/index.php?view=article&catid=38:info-lomba&id=311:essay-fiesta-national-2011-&option=com_content&Itemid=86


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